Project Team

Daniel Roy's picture

Daniel Roy's picture

Graduate Mechanical Engineer, licensed Professional Engineer Mass. Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC). First hand experience living in a Certified Passive House.

Energy Consultant

John Rodenhizer Sr.'s picture

BE Boston 23 Registrants Member

John Rodenhizer Sr.'s picture

BE Boston 23 Registrants Member

Passive House CPHC, CPHB, PHIUS Verifier, PHIUS Rater, HERS Rating and Building Consulting Services

Energy Consultant
Renewable Energy Installer

Other Team Members

Steven Baczek, Architect
Dunhill Companies, Builder
Cotuit Solar, PV System

Ratings, Awards and Recognition

Other Awards:

PHIUS+ Certified Project # 1096 April 2014
EPA WaterSense certified 2014
DOE Challenge Home Certified April 2014

Published References:

Fine Home Building Magazine 6 Issues 2014 and 2015. Publ # 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, & 249
Cape Cod Magazine October 2014

Energy Star Score:
HERS Index::

This is the third house in Massachusetts to achieve PHIUS+ Passive House Certification and the second one in Falmouth.  The home, which is owned by the CPHC and his wife, has a living area of 2,400 ft2.

Quick Facts


Location Falmouth, Massachusetts
Building Type single family residence
Project Type Net Exporter
Basis of Performance Claim Zero Energy Program
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 4.0
Conditioned Floor Area 2,377 sq ft
Total Cost of Project $800,000

Energy Summary

Energy Data Type Zero Energy Program
Renewable Energy System Type(s) Photovoltaics, Geothermal
HERS Index -7
Energy Star Score 5
Annual renewable energy generated 11,434 kWh/year

Envelope and Mechanicals

Subslab assembly

10 inches of EPS, 6 mil poly sheet, 4 inch concrete, 1.5 inch EPS between sleeper studs. Total of 11.5 inches EPS. R values are for entire assembly from PHPP Model.

Foundation wall assembly

10 inch thick concrete stem wall

Above grade wall assembly

2x6 16" o.c. outer wall, 4 inch space, 2x4 inner stud wall for a total insulated thickness of 14 inches. 4 inch closed cell foam on sheathing, and 10 inches dense pack dry cellulose. R values are for entire assembly from PHPP Model.

Door Assembly

triple pane argon glass with wood frame aluminum clad, same construction as windows. R values are for entire assembly from PHPP Model.

Air Changes per hour, ACH50 0.37 ACH50