"Pretty Good" Net Zero Home and Barn in New Hampshire

Exterior Photo of Home and Barn

Event Date: 

Friday, November 17, 2023




Hollis, NH 03049

CEU Information: 

AIA (4 LU)


$25 Members/$35 Non-Members

Update: Thank you to our sponsors, hosts, and attendees for making this event successful. You can see pictures from this tour here.

Join us for a Pro Tour of this recently completed single-family home in southern New Hampshire, built to provide comfortable, net zero living using low VOC materials and finishes.

During our tour, attendees will hear directly from the project team, led by the homeowner, who will provide their unique perspective on the vision and goals behind the project. Attendees will learn how this 1.5 story home was designed to meet the PHIUS air tightness standard and the Pretty Good House thermal specs, with a building science driven-concept design that also aimed for overall practical construction methods. The team will also discuss their material selection process, which prioritized low embodied carbon materials, avoiding Red List materials, and incorporating the Pharos Project chemical analysis.

After a welcoming presentation, attendees will tour the house and adjacent solar barn and hear members of the project team discuss their specific work. After, we’ll reconvene as a large group for a chance for Q&A and a networking reception.


12:30 PM

Doors open, registration, networking and coffee

1:00 PM

Welcome by NESEA

1:10 PM

Overview of the project by the host

2:00 PM

Tour of project begins; attendees rotate through content-specific stations

3:45 PM

Group Reconvenes back at initial meeting point

4:00 PM

Reception with light refreshments

4:15 PM

Q&A Panel with members of project team

5:00 PM

Event Concludes


If you have questions about this event, you can contact us via protours@nesea.org.

2024 Pro Tour Series Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor


Event Sponsors