KEYNOTE — Billions for Buildings: Transformational Federal Funding for Sustainable Projects
We have arrived at a pivotal moment as an industry—a moment when we have both tremendous willpower and resources to decarbonize and move toward a green economy. The passage of the Inflation Reduction Act brought with it enormous potential, and we are now seeing that potential catalyzed into tangible and accessible financial products to support the clean energy transition. This year’s BuildingEnergy NYC keynote will address the lasting impacts of this landmark legislation, including how its implementation will change our approach both to individual projects and to their place in the broader clean energy infrastructure, as well as how these changes will benefit communities. Focusing particularly on the National Climate Investment Fund, coalition partners from Climate United, the largest NCIF awardee, will reveal the transformative role lenders and targeted capital sources can play in achieving the nation’s climate goals, one project at a time.
The keynote will be prefaced by welcoming remarks from Susanne DesRoches, Vice President of Clean and Resilient Buildings at NYSERDA.
Session Speaker(s):
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CEU Information:
Approved for 1 credit hour toward AIA (LU), BOC, NAHB, NARI, Phius, and RESNET certification.
Learning Objectives:
- Contextualize the National Clean Investment Fund and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund within the larger framework of the Inflation Reduction Act
- Explore examples of how available federal funding will support meaningful carbon reductions in building projects
- Employ strategies to access federal funding for your own building projects
- Identify areas for further action in the realm of federal policy and funding for carbon reduction in the built environment
Session Recording:
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