NESEA's BuildingEnergy NYC conference is designed by and for practitioners in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and building/energy policy.
Past Events
Join us in kicking off BuildingEnergy NYC 2022 and honoring the contributions of three outstanding individuals in the community at our annual NESEA Night awards reception! We are delighted to host this event in New York City for the first time and to bring our community together to celebrate the award recipients, meet new people, and reconnect with old friends.
During this session you’ll gain a better understanding of what an inverter is, how it impacts heat pump and air conditioner operation, benefits inverters bring to occupants, and how inverters play a crucial role in decarbonizing buildings in NY and the northeast. Sponsored by Daikin.
Using heat pumps to electrify heating and cooling is a common approach to decarbonizing buildings. To achieve the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York State must quickly move from a building-by-building approach to a community-by-community approach. Heat pumps can be integrated with a network of distribution pipes to serve multiple buildings, in a configuration referred to as a Thermal Energy Network (TEN). Sponsored by NYSERDA
Join us for this BuildingEnergy NYC pre-conference webinar to hear how NYSERDA funding can help you develop and deliver a building operations and maintenance (O&M) training program that can optimize your buildings’ operations, save money, reduce your building’s carbon footprint and improve your tenants’ comfort. Sponsored by NYSERDA
The City of New York is known for its dynamic, exciting skylines, but those buildings are a major source of emissions. With Local Law 97, the city is introducing emission limits to organizations responsible for their building emissions. As a solution provider, you have a valuable role in helping buildings comply. Sponsored by EnPowered.
This Pro Tour explored the Schiller Coastal Studies Center, a scientific village that is the new home for Bowdoin’s Marine Science program. Situated on Orr’s Island, approximately 12 miles from Bowdoin’s main campus, the Center serves as a facility for retreats, dialogue, and collaboration among local and national leaders working to address critical issues of coastal and climate concern. In keeping with the small scale of a Maine camp, the new facilities are compact and sensitively sited within the island’s wooded landscape.
Have you ever considered serving on NESEA's Board of Directors? Do you want to know more about how our organization is led? Then this virtual happy hour is for you!
Share your vision for BuildingEnergy Boston 2023!
BuildingEnergy Boston is designed by and for practitioners (like you) in the fields of high-performance building and design, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. Share your vision and help to shape next year's event by attending the Open Planning Meeting on June 14. BuildingEnergy Boston 2023 will take place Monday-Wednesday, March 27-29, 2023.
At this year's virtual meeting, we will be asking questions such as:
In partnership with The Compliance Mentor Group, NESEA has been awarded a grant to run a year-long career exploratory program bringing students from Boston-area voc/tech schools together with professionals in the high performance building industry.