2024 Call for Proposals

Please Note: The Call for Proposals Is Now Closed


Call for Proposals
October 18 - November 8
Review Period
November 8 - December 16
Notification of Status
December 2023

BuildingEnergy Boston 2024 Conference Theme: Climate Resilience

As the planet warms, the Northeast is already experiencing severe weather events, including prolonged heat waves and cold snaps, strong winds, heavy rains, and coastal flooding. Achieving climate resilience in our built environment will require us to implement a wide array of passive and active solutions to mitigate the effects of these changes. At the same time, we must continue to address the root causes by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. It is also critical to ensure that vulnerable and under-resourced communities do not bear the brunt of these challenges.

As practitioners, we have a multitude of tools to apply to this work, ranging from the tried-and-true to the experimental and cutting-edge. All these tools will be necessary for the task at hand, which will also require bringing together stakeholders from many fields and backgrounds.

For BuildingEnergy Boston 2024, we are eager to see session proposals connecting to the theme of climate resilience, especially those focused on:

  • Case studies and lessons learned
  • Decarbonization (operational and embodied) and electrification
  • Planning and adaptation strategies
  • Policy
  • Environmental justice
  • Building performance in extreme weather conditions
  • Scalability
  • Microgrids and distributed energy resources