BuildingEnergy Boston 2019 - Sessions by Room
The Marina Session Rooms are located on the Lobby Level, just past the registration area.
The Harbor and Burroughs Session Rooms are on the Upper Level accessed via the escalator.
Sessions in Marina 1
Session Title | Time | Speakers | Areas of Focus |
Connecting the Dots: Aligning Policy, Programs and Funding Over the past decade, state and municipal jurisdictions have adopted increasingly ambitious climate action plans and goals for the reduction of building energy consumption. However, the devil is... Full Description |
10:30 am to 12:00 pm |
Ed Connelly Seth Federspiel Eugenia Gibbons Hank Keating Harvey Michaels Deanna Moran |
Multifamily Resiliency Codes Policy Finance |
The Art + Science of Cost-Effective High-Performance Buildings: How Data Informs Outcomes Creating high-performance buildings requires a balance of art and science. Design decisions can no longer be guided by aesthetics and intuition alone; they require careful study to achieve desired... Full Description |
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm |
Daniel Arons Heather Jauregui Jana Silsby |
Building Envelope Health & Comfort Beyond Energy* |
Next Gen Passive House: New Technologies, Strategies and Processes The Passive House standard is a critical tool for reducing our carbon footprint, yet it remains largely underutilized. Our panelists have each developed strategies, over the course of their long,... Full Description |
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm |
Travis Anderson Tedd Benson Gunnar Hubbard Colin Booth |
Building Envelope New Construction Design & Construction Process Business Practice Resiliency Standards in Action** |
Session Title | Time | Speakers | Areas of Focus |
Timber's Role in Modern Urbanization Due to their high strength, dimensional stability and positive environmental performance, mass timber building products are quickly becoming materials of choice for sustainably-minded designers.... Full Description |
8:30 am to 9:30 am | Ricky McLain |
Multifamily Commercial Institutional New Construction Design & Construction Process Resiliency Codes |
Smart Retrofits: Pathway to a Low-Carbon World Our fastest path to a low carbon world is using the billions of buildings which already exist. Smart, rapid, affordable retrofits to improve energy performance are essential, but doing so has a... Full Description |
10:00 am to 11:30 am |
Jeremy Gregory Brad Guy Anne Harney |
Retrofit Beyond Energy* Cities |
Dealing with Dust in the Wind: New EPA Guidance for Home Air Cleaners After an extensive review of current epidemiological literature, the US EPA guidance for air cleaners in the home was updated and reissued in July 2018. The revised guidance includes major changes... Full Description |
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm |
Terry Brennan Lew Harriman |
Single Family Multifamily Health & Comfort |
The Power of Partnerships: How to Achieve Affordable, Net-Zero Urban Homeownership Net-Zero is not that hard – but squeezing in ownership at 80% of median income is challenging and important. This presentation will lay out a planning, design, and financial platform, based on the... Full Description |
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm |
MJ Adams Charles Roberts Jonathan Wright |
Multifamily Design & Construction Process Cities Policy Finance |